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Date Night

With forty hundred children and Rob burning the candle at both ends, we don’t often get a friday night to ourselves. That plus the fact that at the end of the week the last thing either of us want to do is anything that doesn’t involve a sofa and TV …

Holiday, what holiday?

Yesterday Rob and I came home from an amazing child-free five days away in Noosa. Rob has a really high stress job and works ridiculous hours so the past few months have meant he’s hardly around on week days and weekends with four kids are anything but relaxing. So my …

Into the Groove

We’ve been in Sydney for three weeks now but it feels like longer. Luca has started school, Holly starts next week, Charlie and Jude start daycare a couple of days next week too and Rob goes back to work on monday. Thank God. The kids have been off school now …


Yesterday afternoon I walked into our bedroom to find Rob had left his wet towel from that morning on the bed. On MY side of the bed. And because I hadn’t made the bed yet it was right on top of the sheet where I sleep. Sometimes I think he …

Corporate Conference Nonsense

Today is the first day of school holidays. Even though my kids have only ever been to school in the UK, because I was educated in Australia I still can’t get used to the concept of half term break and feel like they are forever on holidays. All made worse …

Oversharing With Your Partner

Remember back at the beginning of your relationship when it was all new, fresh and exhilarating? When it was still excitingly awkward being naked around each other? Before you stopped waxing your bikini line? Before poo and periods were acceptable topics of conversation and before the first dreaded fart slipped out …

Does Your Spouse Irritate You?

Rob and I have been together for a long time. We have ten hundred children together. We own a house together. We have debt together. We have responsibilities together. And we’re a team. He can’t do his job without me and I can’t do my job without him. So it’s …