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March 2015

London Pilgrimage

It’s hard to believe it’s been a whole year since I was there but in two weeks I’ll be on a plane en route to London … my favourite place in the world and my spiritual home. I know that sounds corny and makes me a really crap Australian but …

Forty Two

I turned forty two yesterday. I’m very happy being in my forties. I know we all speak about worrying about getting old and how the years are flying by. But I’m pretty sure most of us don’t mind as much as we claim to. Well I don’t. I’ve written about …

The Year Ahead

After losing an amazing friend in extremely tragic circumstances a few weeks ago, I’m still coming to terms with the anger and sadness I feel surrounding her death. It has made me question many things in my life, which all seem rather petty and insignificant when you compare them to the …