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September 2013

“Mum, why don’t you have a job?”

Yesterday I was in the car with my kids and out of the blue Luca said to me … “Mum, why don’t you have a job?”. In an instant the hair stood up on the back of my neck. All bristle like. So I said, “I do have a job, I …

13.1 Miles

Today I ran the Blackmores Sydney Running Festival half marathon. Not only was it a perfectly blue and warm spring day but it was a beautiful course starting at the Harbour Bridge and finishing at the Opera House 21km later … but best of all I ran my personal best …

Why Do Boys Smell?

Sometimes I look at the state of the toilet in my kids bathroom and I wonder “how the hell did they even do that? Is it physically possible?” Boys are disgusting. Mine are only aged 6, 4 and 2 and already my house has taken on the scent of a …

My Week In Photos 15.9.13

For a very long time I used to post my week in photos every sunday. I stopped doing it when we left London because after snapping away iconic London landmarks and my travels around Europe I figured photos of my daily grind on Sydney’s Lower North Shore would seem rather …

Learning to be an Aussie

Even though I’d much rather be living in London than Sydney, I’m not the type of person to wallow in self pity and not give living here a good go. Plus if I sat here all day and bitched about Sydney compared to London I’d just drive myself insane. Sydney …


I am having a dreadful week. Yesterday I embarrassed myself when I wee’d all over the floor at the gym thanks to the damage my four children did stomping all over my pelvic floor during pregnancy. And then today this happened. I had my eyebrows butchered by a sadistic eyebrow …

The Great Flood of 2013

I learnt something very important about myself at the gym today. I like to think I’m quite self aware but I guess there are still things I’ve yet to learn. Like that my pelvic floor and Body Attack classes are not friends. Not. At. All. I didn’t have much time …