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October 2014

Holiday, what holiday?

Yesterday Rob and I came home from an amazing child-free five days away in Noosa. Rob has a really high stress job and works ridiculous hours so the past few months have meant he’s hardly around on week days and weekends with four kids are anything but relaxing. So my …

Husbands and losing stuff

Each saturday two of my boys have swimming lessons and my daughter has gymnastics at the same time, so Rob and I usually take turns doing one or the other. That’s actually a lie, I have never done the swimming shift because Holly’s gymnastics happens to be right next door …

Forget me not

On friday I forgot to pick Jude up from preschool. Forgot. Totally, totally, totally forgot. It was a day out of the norm, the other three kids were at a day of school holiday activities and I was picking up two extra kids and bringing them home with me too. …

A story about avocados

I do a lot of exercise. Not surprisingly my exercises of choice do not involve an enormous amount of coordination. Running and CrossFit. Because I am not very coordinated. CrossFit is about as sophisticated as I will ever get because I’m pretty accident prone. Am quite sure the dry cleaner …

What it’s like to be a non drinker

I get asked this all the time. I think it’s because people are intrigued by other people who manage to get through life without drinking. Maybe not strangely enough, the person who asks me usually has a drink in their hand. The subject will come up when I decline a drink …