13 helpful ways to match your cat to your home
I love things that match.
Even if it’s a 4am training run in the dark, I still match my running gear down to my socks and undies. I know it’s weird but I can’t help it.
On race days I always find out the bib colours and match them to my nails. It’s a ritual I take so seriously that the last marathon I ran I had a massive gall stone attack in the middle of my nail appointment the day before race day and had to leave before they painted my nails. It stressed me out so much that when the attack passed I drove back to get them finished.
I don’t own plates that aren’t all white and from the same range. I would never hang something on a line with pegs that didn’t match. I don’t like mixed christmas wrapping paper. Each of my kids gets one different colour each. Don’t even start me on the process of decorating the christmas tree each year. Watching me getting the christmas tree lights in even rows is enough to break even the strongest of mental wills.
So it won’t come as a surprise to you that the recent addition to our family, Audrey, also matches pretty much everything in our home.
I stumbled across this by accident while I was organising Audrey’s online photo album on my phone which is obviously in strict chronological, alphabetical and weird Stephanie logic order.
So because I am so community minded I thought I would share with you my top 13 tips so you too can enrich your life and coordinate your kitty to the decor. We all know how important that is in today’s day and age after all.
Let us begin.

When selecting a sheet set for your daughter, its important to take into consideration your feline’s eye colour. Maybe take a photo with you to ensure it’s the perfect match!

The same goes for your son’s room. If you’re really clever you can match not only the quilt cover but the wallpaper and bed head as well. Presto!

Obviously getting the carpet colour right is crucial in maintaining perfect kitty to floor colour coordination. If you’re struggling with a choice, why not just match the tail for that extra funky look?!

Stonework is an expensive decorative item so you really do want to ensure you get it right. Maybe take your precious tabby along to the stonemason, or even cut off a sample of hair?

Given the kitchen is the hub of any family home, matching your moggy is essential for a look that your neighbours will envy. We at Chez Marmalade have ensured Audrey’s ears are strictly in accordance with our stainless steel appliances, including the bin.

We often congratulate ourselves on ensuring the rim of the washing machine door is almost the same colour as Audrey’s paws. Phew, that could have been a disaster otherwise!

And don’t for a second think that those neighbours won’t notice if Fluffy isn’t in keeping with the soda stream! No siree.

To avoid a major non matching catastrophe when kitty-cats fur is too dark for your shiny tabletop, why not buy a bowl that is more fitting? Crisis averted!

And to sit underneath that table, always ensure you let your kids rub their grotty hands on the sides of the chairs so that they compliment the colour of your cats nose. I can’t tell you how many people get this one wrong!

Purchasing items like a living room rug can be a marriage breaker if like your daughters quilt cover the feline eyes don’t match correctly. Always have your rugs hand knotted to order so you too can achieve the perfect match. Life is truly miserable if you screw this one up.

Again I know this is stating the obvious but it’s not worth the wrath of people who may visit your home and notice that tomcat’s eye colour isn’t in keeping with the soft furnishings in your home. The 5 C’s we like to call it. Crucial Cushion Colour Coordination Crisis. Do not go there, it’s worse than a living hell I tell you!

And finally, nothing screams YOU’VE MADE IT like the flawless coordination of your kitten to the entrance floor of your home. Obviously you will either need to dye your pet or replace your floor, or perhaps even sell your house if it isn’t the exact match. OBVIOUSLY.
So there you have it. No doubt you’ve finished reading this feeling as though your life is more full knowing that this incredibly important topic has been covered so comprehensively by yours truly.
I know, it’s a gift.
You are welcome.
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