My Week In Photos 6.10.13
Each week I post a blog of my week in 7 photos. All photos taken on iPhone 5.

On Monday I started (another) new diet. It was a proud supermarket trolley moment. It doesn’t happen often.

Our fur babies arrived on Australian shores all the way from England. Just 28 days more and they’ll be home with us. I’m a bit worried about how my Scottish cat will cope in the heat with all that fur ….

I’m heading to Melbourne next weekend to do the Melbourne half marathon so I did my last long run before tapering .. did I mention I’m going away with no kids for 3 days? Well I am. BRING IT ON!

I spent an afternoon Australianising my kids …. It didn’t work, he was more interested in the train ride there.

Someone had cheesecake for the first time … I am on a diet so had none. It was like a form of torture.

We had our first swim of the season and we all sizzled like sausages in the hot sun. We are SO not used to this!
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