My Week In Photos 29.9.13
Every week (well not every week, I’ve been a bit slack since I moved to Sydney) I post a blog of my week in 7 photos. All photos taken on iPhone 5.

School holidays started so I had to take the kids supermarket shopping with me. Don’t be fooled by that little display of affection you see, by aisle 2 they were throwing punches.

We had a few hot days so I introduced the kids to the sprinkler. I washed about 650 towels afterwards.

I find these three boys push me to the edge every single day but I adore them so much it frightens me.

I booked my flight to Melbourne for the Marathon Festival in 2 weeks time. Lots of us from Operation Move are running the half marathon so I road tested our running top!

My friend sent me this. It sums me up perfectly. I miss my life in London so much it hurts and I wish we were still there. I just don’t feel at home in Sydney anymore 🙁
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