My Week In Photos 28.4.13
Each weekend I post a blog of my week in 7 photos. All photos taken on iPhone 4.

I had a Dr’s appointment in town so detoured my favourite shopping strip and window shopped for a few hours

I went to the British Museum to see the Pompeii exhibition. I saw lots of goat porn there (see my Mama Marmalade Facebook page if you are reading this via email subscription, or if you don’t follow me on Facebook (and if you don’t then chop chop, off you go and click ‘like’)

I had dinner with my favourite South African residing Canadian friend who was one one of the first friends I made in London. Hey Judes!

We got awesome news from the vet that Peanut is okay to take back to Australia. He can’t wait to get his teeth into some Mynah birds.

My gorgeous friend Sally who revives furniture made me this table and surprised me by lining the drawer with all my favourite photos.

And sunday we spent at the park at the end of our street. I came home with a heavy heart …. I am going to miss London more than anyone could ever understand.
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