My Week In Photos 24.3.13
Each weekend I post a blog of my week in 7 photos. All photos taken on iPhone 4.

I wandered up the Portobello Road looking for treasures to take home to Sydney and my love for London increased even more.

I was spoilt with a birthday lunch in Covent Garden by a really special old school friend from Sydney.

Possibly the only thing I won’t miss about London is the cost of fuel. I feel sick for hours every time I fill the car up.

The weather gods surprised me with another dose of snow instead of warmer weather which I’ll have in abundance when we move to Sydney

I ran another 10k race as part of my training for a half marathon and trudged though mud for 58 mins in -2C snow. And still loved it.

And on saturday I bribed the kids with chips for Luca & Charlie, my laptop for Holly and a bottle for Jude just so they would all sit together for a photo.
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