My Week in Photos 2.6.13
Each weekend I post a blog of my week in 7 photos. All taken on iPhone 4.

On monday my lovely little Charlie turned 4, he’s still the world’s fussiest eater and wouldn’t even eat his cake 🙁

I ran the Bupa 10k through central London and took 5 mins of my PB. It’s not every day you get to run down the Mall or through Admiralty Arch.

We had some family photos taken at home in London. Beautiful momentos of our wonderful time living here. The amazing photographer we chose deserves a medal for her patience!

As we flew back in to London from Scotland, I gazed up the Thames towards London and my heart sank as I remembered that in less than 7 weeks we’re leaving what I now consider to be home. I couldn’t be more un-excited about moving to Sydney if I tried.

And it was Rob’s birthday. The fourteenth one we’ve celebrated together. We stuffed ourselves with chocolate cake in preparation for the clean and lean, sugar free diet Rob and I are going on tomorrow (I haven’t told him yet).
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