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Addio, Nutella

I have had to give up Nutella. F.O.R.E.VE.R. I know. I had no words either. Because the universe is basically just a massive asshole, I have developed a digestive or immune intolerance to mainly peanuts but other nuts too. Particularly peanut oil. I’ve been having these hideous stomach cramps for …

Food Habits, Diets and Friends

I’ve blogged before about my obsession with certain foods and my complete lack of self control in this arena. In particular Nutella, sour cream and white chocolate. Because I’m so anal about weight gain and how many calories I eat, I obsess about wanting these foods all the time. I …

Born Again Exercise Junkie

Rob keeps telling people he’s convinced someone has possessed his wife: A non drinking running fanatic who has swapped Hello! magazine for marathon training books. I’m not exaggerating when I say I’ve spent 95% of my adult life avoiding exercise and bitching to anyone who’ll listen about what freaks gym …

World Nutella Day In Review

The 5th February was World Nutella Day. Due to my over indulgence in celebrating this marvelous day, I’ve been laying low trying to recover from my Nutella induced diabetic like coma so this post is a couple of days late. I ate so much of it that even Rob, who …