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Worcestershire Chocolate

I think it’s fair to say that I have an unhealthy relationship with food. I am going to re-phrase that. I have absolutely no self-control whatsoever when it comes to sugar and chocolate. Today I went walking with a friend of mine and I was telling her about how I …

Supermarketaholics Anonymous

I do my supermarket shopping online and it arrives every Monday morning. I shop online mainly because of the sheer volume we buy each week with a family of six – it’s easier when I don’t have to cart it home and lug it in myself. That and because groceries …

What Obsession?

I have a massive problem with excess. Always have. I’m really bad at doing anything in moderation, mainly eating certain foods, but it does stretch to other areas of my life. Having children for instance, I just always have to go that little bit overboard. Everyone knows about my recent …

Ode to Nutella

I have what I’d class as a rather disturbing addiction to Nutella. Its chocolatey goodness, high fat content and lack of any nutrition fall right into my favourite sort of food group. I currently have 390 photos on Instagram. A vast number of those are cake and chocolate themed .. …