My Week in Photos 2.6.13
Each weekend I post a blog of my week in 7 photos. All taken on iPhone 4.
Each weekend I post a blog of my week in 7 photos. All taken on iPhone 4.
Rob and I are on the Isle of Skye at the moment. Because we only have about seven weeks left in London we’ve managed to put aside two lots of a few days to go on two final trips in Europe because my parents are here and have offered to …
Unfortunately a funfair has popped up not far from us for the duration of half-term holidays. My kids can sniff out their dodgy hotdogs from miles away so there’s absolutely no avoiding going when they come to our local area. Growing up in Australia it’s just not something you really …
As most of you know, I’ve always claimed to quite like English weather. It’s not so much that I like the weather as much as I like it being cooler. After 33 years living in Australia and dreading the extreme heat every time December rolled around it was nice to …
After a hectic week of packing up our entire house and living among boxes and no furniture with my four kids, cat, dog and both my parents staying – I am not happy to report that all our stuff is currently at sea somewhere heading south on the APL Barcelona. …
Each weekend I post a blog of my week in 7 photos. All photos taken on iPhone 4.
Today was a really shit day. The removalists arrived to start packing up our house. Because Australia is ten thousand million miles away and it takes two months for a boat to get there, we’re sending all our stuff now so it’s there by the time we arrive at the …
Describe what family happiness means in 140 characters or less: Family happiness is 4 healthy children following a stillbirth that left my heart in a billion pieces. Love really is all you need. And cake. https://limetr.ee/en/home
I’m fairly certain I’m going to be one of those psycho mother-in-laws. The type you sometimes hear referred to as monster, dragon … or vampire bat. I have visions of my sons’ girlfriends talking to their friends saying “I’ve met this really great guy but his Mum is such a …
I have something in my life at the moment that’s causing me a lot of grief. Trauma even. It’s so painful that I felt I needed to write about it. Sometimes sharing your feelings with others can really help. I hate it. Even when I think about it I get …
Each weekend I post a blog of my week in 7 photos. All photos taken on iPhone 4.
Today I ran the Ranelagh Harriers Richmond Half Marathon. And I didn’t even die like I thought I might. The best part of running endurance races around London is that I’m always so in awe of my surroundings that it gives me a lift when I’m feeling sore or tired. …
Today was the most beautiful day of the year in London. And the warmest. It was absolutely magical and even the usually cranky woman in the post office at our local corner store cracked a smile. Because sunshine isn’t as abundant in London as it is in say, Sydney, when …
For my fortieth birthday Rob gave me a day spa voucher to one of London’s most famous spas. An entire day of pampering from 10am to 6pm. You get a few treatments over the day, lunch and use of the spa’s facilities – and it’s just for women. It’s possibly …
Each weekend I post a blog of my week in 7 photos. All photos taken on iPhone 4.