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Fight Club

“Mum, Charlie’s really annoying. We should give him to another family”

“Really, you don’t think that’s a bit harsh?”

“Well then we should sell him”.

Fourth Child Phenomenon

Something happened to our family upon the birth of our fourth child, Jude. For starters we didn’t plan him. I make no secret of this and the fact my husband, Rob, had a vasectomy nine months before Jude was born is further proof. I didn’t want any more, we already …

Exercise Basket Case

Earlier this year I decided to take up running. I’ve always wanted to be a runner but could never be arsed to actually do it.  Because basically I’m a lazy shit with no willpower.  I have had more gym memberships in my life than I can count. I’ve tried every …

Ella & Jasmine – My Story

October 15th is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. This is a cause very close to my heart and I’d like to share my story. In 2002 I found out I was pregnant with my first child. My husband Rob and I were so thrilled and excited to be starting …

Am I A Bad Parent?

Every single night of the week, I go to bed thinking I am a shit parent. I go over my day, think of all the stuff that happened, all the interactions I had with my four children and I somehow come to the conclusion that maybe I shouldn’t have had …

Le Glouton de Paris

I’ve just been to Paris for a four day long weekend with my husband. My astonishingly generous Mum looked after all four kids while we buggered off on a tour de cake romantic trip away. I knew Rob was excited about going away because I found this on my iPhone. …

If I Had Money To Burn …

I love Harrods. It’s my most favourite wanky department store in the entire world. It’s ridiculously expensive and I hardly ever buy anything there but I love to go and look. It’s like a museum of the coolest stuff in the world that you can buy for 20% more than …

Do You Dread School Dress Up Days?

As it turns out, all of my kids are growing up to be quite creative. This is very unfortunate for them as they live in a glitter-free, glue-free, paint-free, playdoh-free household. Once upon a time when I only had one child I’d let her have playdoh, but our dog who was …

Business Class Farce

We recently flew from London to Sydney. The company my husband works for paid for our tickets and I’m not sure whether it was an accident or because they think he’s awesome, but they sent us business class. Screw the holiday I just couldn’t wait for the flight. Twenty four …

Olympic Fever

The reason we live in London is the Olympics. My husband was involved in the development of the Athletes Village so just after London won the chance to host the games we left Sydney .. feels like a lifetime ago now.  When we arrived in the UK, Stratford was a …

Who’d want to be a swimmer anyway?

So I’ve been watching the Olympic swimming every night. As an Australian I’m programmed to do this. I’ve also been brainwashed to expect that Australia will dominate the pool, which obviously we haven’t.I even went to the swimming the other night! See, this is me. Us Aussies are hardcore. Fine …

The Mother Ship

As you all know I live in London. Not only that, I LOVE living in London. I love everything about it, the crowds, the traffic and yes, even the weather. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT. One could say I am totally  and utterly smitten with England. Don’t get me wrong, I love …

Cherry Pop

My name is Steph.I only decided to start a blog because 140 characters on Twitter isn’t nearly enough for me to say what I want to. That and my Mum has been harrassing me about writing stuff down because she likes my emails. I think that’s because there’s always a …