My Week in 7 Photos 17.4.16
Well it sure has been a while! I haven’t posted a weekly photo blog since 2013 when I used to post this religiously every week. Going to try to post this every sunday. All photos snapped on my iPhone.
Well it sure has been a while! I haven’t posted a weekly photo blog since 2013 when I used to post this religiously every week. Going to try to post this every sunday. All photos snapped on my iPhone.
… Another running story I’m afraid! Well I did it. I ran the Canberra Marathon last weekend and came home with a nice tidy personal best time. I am absolutely thrilled. What a wonderful feeling it is when you put in the hard yards and are rewarded for it. I can …
This is my thirteenth and last consecutive year of being at home with at least one small child. Jude starts school next year and I’m really in two minds about it. I used to look at the Mums at the Cheers & Tears morning on the first day of school, …
It’s sunday and the end of daylight savings. So in the confusion of the added 25 hours to the day, or so it seems, I ended up back in bed at lunchtime. Seriously, how can one teeny hour cause such havoc? Anyway as I lay there fantasising about how many minutes …