My Week In Photos 29.9.13
Every week (well not every week, I’ve been a bit slack since I moved to Sydney) I post a blog of my week in 7 photos. All photos taken on iPhone 5.
Every week (well not every week, I’ve been a bit slack since I moved to Sydney) I post a blog of my week in 7 photos. All photos taken on iPhone 5.
Yesterday I was in the car with my kids and out of the blue Luca said to me … “Mum, why don’t you have a job?”. In an instant the hair stood up on the back of my neck. All bristle like. So I said, “I do have a job, I …
Today I ran the Blackmores Sydney Running Festival half marathon. Not only was it a perfectly blue and warm spring day but it was a beautiful course starting at the Harbour Bridge and finishing at the Opera House 21km later … but best of all I ran my personal best …
Sometimes I look at the state of the toilet in my kids bathroom and I wonder “how the hell did they even do that? Is it physically possible?” Boys are disgusting. Mine are only aged 6, 4 and 2 and already my house has taken on the scent of a …
For a very long time I used to post my week in photos every sunday. I stopped doing it when we left London because after snapping away iconic London landmarks and my travels around Europe I figured photos of my daily grind on Sydney’s Lower North Shore would seem rather …
I’m pretty darned good at embarrassing myself in public. I’ve blogged about it before, here and here and here. As you know, I run a lot. My favourite Sydney run so far is through Lane Cove National Park. Starting at the Lady Game Drive gate and running up to Lane …
Even though I’d much rather be living in London than Sydney, I’m not the type of person to wallow in self pity and not give living here a good go. Plus if I sat here all day and bitched about Sydney compared to London I’d just drive myself insane. Sydney …
I am having a dreadful week. Yesterday I embarrassed myself when I wee’d all over the floor at the gym thanks to the damage my four children did stomping all over my pelvic floor during pregnancy. And then today this happened. I had my eyebrows butchered by a sadistic eyebrow …
I learnt something very important about myself at the gym today. I like to think I’m quite self aware but I guess there are still things I’ve yet to learn. Like that my pelvic floor and Body Attack classes are not friends. Not. At. All. I didn’t have much time …