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Alcohol free living

Growing Wiser

I’m not particularly happy about the grey hair on my head. Or my slowing down metabolism. The wrinkles beside my eyes. My ageing hands. Or the way my knees creak when I walk up stairs. But you know what? When I didn’t have all those things I also didn’t have …

What it’s like to be a non drinker

I get asked this all the time. I think it’s because people are intrigued by other people who manage to get through life without drinking. Maybe not strangely enough, the person who asks me usually has a drink in their hand. The subject will come up when I decline a drink …

I used to be fat. Really fat.

Tomorrow an article is being posted on the wonderful fitness website I’m involved with about me and my former life. My former life when I was fat. There will be photos of me … and they will be on the internet forever. But you know what? Even though I’m a little …

Are you a quitter?

I am forever quitting stuff. On monday I gave up sugar. I will quite happily swap a few (dozen) spoons of Nutella for a proper meal because I have a dreadful sweet tooth. I developed it when I quit drinking about a year and a half ago and its been …