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Weird shit

What Is It With Shop Assistants?

I shop a lot. Even though most of it is window shopping. I can trawl through racks of clothes for hours and hours, even if I have no intention of buying anything. I just like to check out all the amazing things I can’t have. A bit like real life …

Food Habits, Diets and Friends

I’ve blogged before about my obsession with certain foods and my complete lack of self control in this arena. In particular Nutella, sour cream and white chocolate. Because I’m so anal about weight gain and how many calories I eat, I obsess about wanting these foods all the time. I …

A Tale Of Sibling Debt

Because I am the eldest of four children, I always had the largest bedroom. It’s a right of birth and one of the advantages of being the parental guinea pig. That and never having to wear hand me downs from your older sister. It was what would have been the …

Location, Location, Location

Once upon a time there was a young woman in her early twenties. One day she and her then boyfriend drank too much beer and decided to get a tattoo. A small Egyptian Ankh. She chose to have it on her belly next to her hip bone so it would …

Supermarketaholics Anonymous

I do my supermarket shopping online and it arrives every Monday morning. I shop online mainly because of the sheer volume we buy each week with a family of six – it’s easier when I don’t have to cart it home and lug it in myself. That and because groceries …

What Obsession?

I have a massive problem with excess. Always have. I’m really bad at doing anything in moderation, mainly eating certain foods, but it does stretch to other areas of my life. Having children for instance, I just always have to go that little bit overboard. Everyone knows about my recent …